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1. My magazine is conventional since it follows most of the conventions an actual magazine. Such as the cover lines and the similar wording to other fashion magazines.​

2. I used Photoshop to touch up my model as well as adding my cover lines, masthead etc. However i feel like i should've used more so that my magazine could've been more successful.

3. There's a few things I would change about my magazine. Such as, my time management because I ended up completing this later than I should've due to not planning this well or doing enough research. When we re-do this in year 11 I want to make sure that I  take more time outside of lessons to do more research.​

4. During this process I've learnt that I enjoy doing practical a lot and I've learnt how to to understand Photoshop a lot more than i did before. Although, I need to work on my organisation and planning so that next time I am able to finish before the deadline.


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H/W: Magazine deconstruction

Front cover Contents page

PRELIM: Research rationale

I have been set a task to construct a fashion magazine from scratch, The target audience that i am aiming for are between the ages 14-18 as it's easier for me to access. I can use this to my advantage when conducting my research so that my magazine isn't biased. I will also be asking people with my target audience about their likes and dislikes to gain a better understanding as well as my own knowledge. For my market research i will be looking at popular fashion magazines such as Vogue, Seventeen magazine etc so that my magazine can look more professional and it will also enhance my knowledge on fashion. For my research, I will be making surveys so that my magazine isn't biased and I will also take the time outside of lesson to research the different fashion magazines.  Once I've gathered all the information i need i'm going to be posting everything that i'm going to do and every change that i make to my  magazine.

Draft copy